Fundi Finance Sales Map
A record of the sales map of Fundi Finance from start to launch
Round one Private Team Seed Sale The very first sales round was a private seed round to the founding members and early Fundi Finance team. This round was only available on the governance token FF and a total of 1600, 2% of the total supply was allocated and total of $24000 was raised by 11 people each receiving 145 FF tokens each Second Round Public Private sale Fundi Finance kicked its sale campaign off with hosting private sales at . Ninja team already had a close relationship with Fundi Finance a gave Fundi great support technically. Both Fundi Finance house tokens (FF), (CRA) were allocated for sales.
Sale Results A total of 4000 FF was allocated to the sale contract and the sale sold 78.38% of the total allocation some 3135 FF tokens and raised a total of 18.34 BNB and 5953.71 BUSD. Allocation of the tokens at this sale round were strictly for development and legal framework, however team have held 5 BNB from this round to be directly allocated towards liquidity at launch . A total of 9000000 CRA tokens, 6% of starting supply were allocated and some 457702 CRA tokens 5.09% of the sale allocation sold raising 3.53 BNB and $3385.87 BUSD. Sale Contracts
The private sale contracts at Ninja Swap can be seen here for transparency and user understanding. FF Sale Contract CRA Sale Contract
Private Sale Contract Audit
Private sale to Ninja Swap round was fully audited and user can check the audit here!Ase6OFZREJGOkB_u5QU2OgLXus5h?e=AZhdic
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